Saturday, June 9, 2007


Is it 4:00 yet?

Ahhhh! My feet are itchin' to leave work! It's Friday, and like most Fridays in the summer, no one is here. Everyone is out having fun 'cept me.

Wait a minute. I'm in charge around here. I should lead a mutiny against the system! I should round up the few stragglers wasting their time on the internet (like me) and we should organize a strike. We'll make armbands and posters and graffiti the Anarchy sign to the side of the building. We'll walk out and throw our posters into a pile and burn them. Yeah!

Hum, hummm, hmmmm. That's it. I'm dismissing everyone early today. We're not getting anything done anyway.

Have a great weekend, people.

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