Thursday, June 21, 2007

Work Sucks...

Besides the fact that work naturally sucks because, well, it's work and it interferes with everything else I want or need to do, my job in particular sucks. I move around every 2 or 3 years. Which is the good part. I move on, don't get too bored, always end up doing something different.

But it is particularly difficult to deal with government people. There's your lazy ones, the ones that never show up, the ones that make a big deal about everything, the slow ones, the fast ones, the ones that take your credit, and the ones who should've taken credit. It is hard to work in a place where people are not only inefficient, but that are rude as well.

I have the fun chore of working in place that a) the only other hispanics anyone knows are the cleaning people b)the only other females that work here are secretaries and c) there's no one else under the age of 35.

And it's a shame. Because the majority of people I have come to know here are genuinely good people that really worry about their customer and about working together. But there is always a chauvinistic ex-military prick that has to ruin it for everybody. And we are supposed to be his customer! The only thing that goes around in my head like a mantra is "I hope his daughter has to work for a prick like him someday."

I'm getting what they call "short". On my way out. Ready to get to my next assignment. It's a bit like Senioritis. I'm outta here in August and I'm starting not to care. Except for Mr. Prickman. Why is it that people like that get away with it? If it was me acting like that, I'd have to get formal counseling. It annoys me that he gets to stay and "win" the waiting game, and he gets to continue to get away with it. I've spent too much energy cooking up schemes in my head to "get back" at him, when in reality I could never do any of those things. I just have to "let it go", but it still annoys me!

You can say "well, just stop thinking about it", "Don't let it get to you", "Don't let your blood pressure get high over him", but it doesn't work. I try not to think about it, but I really feel slighted. He has really been a prick to me, and it feels unfair. Yeah, go ahead and say it, Life isn't Fair. But people should try to make it fair as possible, and not let Prickmen like him get away with it!

It's just been an awful week for me, and I don't even know how to act anymore. I want to stand for justice, and I want to win sometimes too.

I guess this time it is another "retreat" for me. I'll be retreating to my new assignment soon enough.

1 comment:

zeptogator said...

I thought it was just me who felt this way :)