Monday, February 11, 2008

The Pre-Op Appointment

Well, I did it. Everything got done. I went to Dr. Yang, my primary doctor, and got the operation cleared through him. He wrote the letter and sent my blood tests to Dr. Pinnar.

Today was the pre-operation appt with Dr. Pinnar. I received a “manual” with everything I needed to know before, during, and after the operation. The manual is very upfront about everything, about the NECESSARY changes I need to make, which are NOT optional if I don’t want to be throwing up my food all day and go to the hospital for dehydration. It was very specific, with specific brands of protein listed, websites or stores that sell them, how much to take, shopping lists, chewing exercises, everything. The RN Sue, a very special person to me, talked it over about what to expect, and I asked questions about pain management. Bottom line: take the damn meds if you need them for a few days, and the faster you walk around the faster you heal. The more protein you take, the better you heal. Then Dr. Pinnar saw me one last time, took before pictures (I smiled my ass off, I was so happy!!!), took my weight, and told me I was ready to start the Pre-op diet Feb 13, and operation FEBRUARY 20th!!!!! YES!!!!

I went to Costco and Trader Joe’s and bought some protein shakes and soups and supplies. But I have to write a good shopping list of things I need.

1 comment:

Daniel Lobo said...

Now you got me worried... Whatever it is you are doing I sure hope it goes well. Don´t know why but you got me going with an uneasy feeling.