Monday, June 4, 2007

Why you shouldn't take little monsters to see big monsters

(The idea of substituting initials for names is completely ripped off of fellow blogger Academom)

N, my almost 18-month-old daughter, has changed. She has transformed into a little devious imp. I don't understand how she can shriek bloody murder one second and then laugh so innocently the next. Why does she look at me as she's doing something naughty on purpose? What happened to my angel?

She became a toddler.

I don't know how to handle her. Just when she is at the perfect stage to take her places to discover new things, like petting zoos and parks and playgrounds and carrousels, she is impossible to control.

We took her to see Shrek III. It actually went better than I thought. She was laughing and attentive for 3/4 of the movie. The last 1/4 was what I feared. She wanted to get out of her chair and run around and shriek. So we became THOSE parents that have the annoying kid and spent the rest of the movie walking out of the theatre, then back in to watch a bit, then back out when she started shrieking. A did most of it. I was back up. Next time, I will buy the tickets online and bring her straight in to the movie, instead of waiting around. And maybe wait till the grandparents take her : ) ...

I have the manual, but I must have the wrong model. The "What to expect: the toddler years" suggests a time out when she knows she is doing something wrong. But no details on how to actually physically get an 18-month-old to do "timeout". hmmm.

My husband A, being worse than I am about being a cyber-addict, googled Time Out. And he found some helpful tricks on actually getting a toddler to understand time out and doing it. It came down to holding her down and counting to 20. That's enough for either a) get her REALLY pissed and exercising those vocal cords or b) get her to forget why she is being held down to begin with.

I think I'm getting the hang of it. When I hold her down for time out and she ends up screaming louder than when she started, that means she is tired and it's time for a nap. When scenario b occurs, I try to put on a cheery face, make her laugh, and steer her to a toy.

All I can think about is those parents that have more than one child, or twins or triplets, and I'm ashamed to complain...


Unknown said...

Hope you read that!
Reading you is just like reading every other parent in the whole word.
Did you ever wonder how old is the "time out"concept?
As far as I remember, there was no "time out" at the time that our parents raised us. So it makes me think... how does they managed to get through us? I really think that psicologist are making fun of us...
Apparently, there are "manuals" out there to help us in the wonderfull experience of being parents, but things are getting worse in the world. I am really and absolutely confused with all this crab.
Those little tyrans control us with love and a tender smile... and there is nothing we could do...

D' said...

They absolutely wrap us around their little fingers. I don't understand how anybody could do any intentional harm to children.
