Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My First Meme

I've been tagged by Academom for a meme.

1. I am constantly surprised by the things I don't know about raising a child even though I am the oldest of 6.

2. I have recently started to cook all the time. Not for pleasure, but for variety and ease of cleanliness.

3. I am slowly against my will becoming a perfectionist. And very critical.

4. Did you know I graduated cum laude from Chemical Engineering?

5. I consider myself happy. In varying degrees sometimes, but happy.

6. I am very self critical but I am able to see my good qualities as well.

7. I found it incredibly difficult to come up with seven facts. Not because I don't have enough to put out there, but because I had a hard time selecting a set of seven. I felt all seven had to have a degree of connectivity, even though they ended up not having it.